There is no Watch covering my area, how do I set one up?
- The Surrey Heath Neighbourhood Watch Support Group will assist you to form a Neighbourhood Watch scheme in your street or group of houses.
- Initially contact one of the Surrey Heath Neighbourhood Watch Area Coordinators for advice and together plan the next steps – see Contact Us page from the main menu.
(Lightwater includes the Six Villages of Bagshot, Bisley, Chobham, Lightwater, West End and Windlesham). - Surrey Heath Neighbourhood Watch has established a formal process of setting up and registering individual Watches. These notes give an overview of the process.
- Watches not set up following this process will NOT be registered as a valid Neighbourhood Watch scheme.
- Assuming you are willing to take on the role of Watch Coordinator you will be asked to contact your neighbours and if you have sufficient interest, the Area Coordinator will start the registration process with you. This is described briefly below.
- The next step is to arrange a Kick-off meeting with the interested neighbours. This meeting will be attended by the Area Coordinator and also provide an opportunity to meet your local Policing Community Support Officer (PCSO).
What is involved if I agree to be the Watch Coordinator? - The primary function is to provide the main link between Surrey Police/Neighbourhood Watch Area Coordinator and the members of the Watch. This involves the following tasks:·
- Distribute information received by email from these, such as crime updates and security advice, to the Watch members.
- Attend the quarterly Watch Coordinators meetings on behalf of the Watch or arrange for a deputy/other member to attend.
- Collect the bundle of HeathWatch, the Neighbourhood Watch newsletter, at the Watch Coordinator meetings and deliver a copy to your Watch members. If nobody is available to attend the meeting, the Watch Coordinator should make arrangements for the bundle to be collected from the local library.
- Advise the Membership Secretary of changes to the Watch registration details e.g. additional members, email address etc.
- Assist the police and other agencies by circulating information to and gathering information from Watch members as necessary·
- Receive non-urgent information from members to forward to the police or community safety team.·
- Feedback concerns from Watch members to the local police at their Panel meetings and, via the Area Coordinator, to the Support Group.
- Notify the Area Coordinator and local police if planning to leave the area or stand down from the post. Ideally, they should try to identify a replacement.
- Secondary tasks (as time and inclination permits)
- Promote Neighbourhood Watch, supply member households with Neighbourhood Watch stickers for doors and windows and other Neighbourhood Watch material. Encourage non-participating households to join the group.
- Manage the local scheme by keeping an up-to-date list of scheme members, including their e-mail addresses where available, remembering to respect the confidentiality of the information in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1984 and welcome new residents and invite them to join the scheme.
- Encourage measures to enhance security through the adoption of crime prevention measures such as security marking their valuable property using, for example, a UV marker pen.
- Encourage members to keep their eyes open for unusual occurrences and inform the police quickly of suspicious activity or anti-social behaviour.
- Educate members on how to contact the police and Crimestoppers.
How do I notify changes to the registration details for my Watch?
Changes in Watch Membership
- The Watch Coordinator needs to maintain an up to date list of Members and it is the responsibility of each Member to inform their Watch Coordinator of changes in membership or contact details etc.
Changes in Watch Coordination
- The Watch Coordinator is responsible for keeping the Area Coordinator and the Membership Secretary informed of changes in Watch coordination.
Should a Watch Coordinator move away from the area or is no longer interested in their role and they do NOT inform the Area Coordinator or Membership Secretary, they put their watch in danger of being closed
How can I make my Watch more effective?
This can be achieved by any or all of the following:
- Keep an up to date list of Watch members, including email addresses where available, remembering to keep the data confidential in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1984.
- Welcome new members to the Watch and encourage them to register their membership. A registration form for each household is also available to authorised users on the web site.
- When a member has registered provide them with Neighbourhood Watch stickers and leaflets.
- Disseminate information (either by email or hard copies) to all members of the Watch such as crime updates/reports from Surrey Police, crime reduction literature or Neighbourhood Watch newsletters.
- Encourage members of the Watch to adopt crime reduction measures such as security marking their valuable property using a UV marker pen or forensic DNA marking fluid.
- Encourage members to keep their eyes open for unusual occurrences and inform the Police quickly of suspicious activity using 101 or 999 as appropriate.
- Educate members on the correct use of the 101 and 999 numbers and provide details of the Crimestoppers number 0800 555 111.
- Notify your Area Coordinator if you plan to leave the area or are not able to continue in your role and, if possible identify a replacement. Hand over your list of members and their contact details to your replacement or, if no replacement has been found, to the Area Coordinator.
- Feedback concerns from local Watch members to the local Police. This can be achieved directly to the NSO when attending the quarterly local police Panel Meetings.
How do I obtain additional stickers and leaflets?
Additional stickers and leaflets are available, although these may change from time to time. New members will be provided with these on joining. If the Watch Coordinator needs additional stickers they should contact their Area Coordinator for details
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