Garage & Shed Burglaries

We are currently suffering from a series of garage burglaries in the borough. Motorcycles, bicycles and garden machinery are being targeted. In some cases the garages targeted have not been locked and in others the owner has relied on the factory fitted lock on an up and over door.

Neighbourhood Watch Coordinators can assist by forwarding this message to members.


  • Most standard garage door locks are not ‘security’ locks. Consider fitting an after market device, for example a ‘Garage Defender’ or as a cheaper option fit two shoot bolts to the door ensuring that bolt beds into the frame or concrete base. Secure the bolt with a grade three external padlock
  • Sheds are more problematic to secure due to their wood construction. Devices are available to provide additional security to the doors, for example ‘Shed Bars’
  • Most house alarm systems can be configured to provide coverage to garages using ‘wireless’ connections. If this isn’t possible stand alone ‘Shed alarms’ are also available
  • Consider the use of ground anchors and cables. Using a large cable to link several items together will make them more difficult to steal, padlocking the cable to a ground anchor will provide additional protection.
  • There are a number of security marking schemes available for cycles ranging from electronic Datatags (similar to pet microchips) to chemical etching
  • Ensure that you property mark items of value stored in the garage and record serial numbers. There is a free web based service available at

When considering whether or not to fit additional security its worth pausing to think about the value of what you are storing in the building. Lawn mowers and good cycles often cost several hundred pounds per item, the total value can soon run into several thousand pounds.


  • Judging by the number of items being stolen the thief will probably have an outlet or handler – if you have any information around offenders or methods of disposal please contact me. Alternatively you can do this anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 where in certain circumstances you may receive a financial reward
  • If you see something or someone suspicious contact Surrey Police immediately using either 999 or 101, make a note of the time, description and vehicle registration numbers. You will never be criticised for contacting us and remember if you think it’s suspicious it probably is!

Finally these thieves are very probably local and are operating within your community, with your help we can catch and convict them.

Details of the items I have referred to can be found at or